Kaleb M’avyare

Doctor – Traveler – Immigrant – HeroAn immigrant and newcomer to Eorzea, behind the jaded and cynical exterior is a deeply kind and compassionate healer…


Name: Kaleb M’avyareNickname: "Kaleb”, “Doctor”, “Doctor M’avyare”
Age: 34Gender: Male
Race: Miqo'teClan: Keeper of the Moon
Orientation: Bisexual; Female PreferenceMarital: Widowed; Not Interested
Family: Esme, a Maine Coon Cat (Pet Cat); E’smeralda M’avyare (Wife; Deceased), Anli Bolnivard (Long-Time Friend)Diety: The Goddess, The Tree, The Spirits
Nationality: ImmigrantOccupation: Doctor (OG/GYN & Pediatrician; General Practices)
Alignment: Neutral GoodResidence: Lavender Beds
Free Company: Fera IntusVoice Claim: Steve Valentine (Alistair – Dragon Age)

Taciturn, cynical and jaded, Kaleb is a man of whom is deeply guarded. He has a snarky, brusque tone. He appears outwardly cold. He is almost always exhausted. He does not open to others very easily, if at all.
Kaleb is also, perhaps, the gentlest and most compassionate man one could ever meet. The Keeper has deep wells of empathy, is observant and very thoughtful. In rare moments, his truest self as a dorky, artistic, gentle, good-humored man shines through.Kaleb is a man of honor and passion, firmly dedicated to his work as a Doctor. He is methodical, thorough, and clear-minded when it comes to his practice of medicine.The heart-break of losing his beloved late wife and infant daughter, combined with uprooting himself from his homeland and the betrayal of being abandoned by a second love has left this gentle man guarded, jaded and outwardly hostile to the world. It remains to be seen if Kaleb will be able to open his heart again, let alone heal from those losses. Until then, he carries on buried in his work...Motivations: Compassion, healing, to move forward into an unknown future, to serve as a doctor and practice the art of medicine. To ultimately heal his shattered heart by healing others.Disposition: Quiet and cold. Has a very taciturn, jaded and cynical outer shell. Yet has a deep well of love, empathy and kindness, trying his best to heal himself by healing others.Outlook: Quiet, a loner but with a deep well of gentle kindness and love, as well as deep burden of sorrow and hurt.

Positive Traits
Gentle, Compassionate, Kind-Hearted, Deep Sense of Love, Dorky, Creative and loves the arts and sciences, Dearly loves his sweet cat, Strong-willed, Dry sense of humor, Unflappable
Negative Traits
Cynical, Embittered, Brusque, Sarcastic, Cold, Distrustful, Closed-Off from possible relationships, Stubborn, Angry
Cats, Art, Reading, Studying Medicine, A good cup of tea, A delicious meal, A good night's sleep, Quiet nights, Plants and Flowers, Gardens, Emeralds...
Stubborn Patients, Patients that don't listen to his instructions for their care, Dishonesty, Disloyalty, Not having enough sleep, Anyone romantically interested in him, Losing a patient, Loneliness, Himself
Favorite Food: Fruits Salads drizzled with honey; Classic, farm-fresh foods. Favorite Drink: Anything that helps him either sleep or stay awake! Favorite Color: Reds, Golds. Favorite Flower: Daffodils, Forget-Me-Nots. Favorite Scent: Lavender. Favorite Place: Deep, quiet and ancient forests. Favorite Vices: Painting?
His tail will betray his mood. Always very tired. A magpie for art supplies. Secret romantic, yearning once more for love. Complete and total dork. His nose is buried in a book. Can't see without his glasses.
Losing a Patient, Being Alone for the Remainder of his Life, Not Being Enough, Failure, Opening His Heart Again
A Prodigy of Medicine, A Beautifully Talented Artist, enjoying Painting, Sketching, Embroidery and Sewing, Keeps House Plants, Enjoys Indoor Gardening, Adores his Pet Cat, Enjoys Reading, Enjoys Learning, Enjoys very long naps, Enjoys cups of tea


Height: 6 Fulm, 2 Ilm – Kaleb is quite tall by Miqo'te standards; there is an elegance to his height.Weight: Approximately 203 Ponz – Kaleb is sturdier and stronger than he looks.Body: Tall, trimly athletic, with a surprisingly strong, toned build. Broad-shouldered, broad-chested, with a sturdy core and slim hips. He doesn't have much (if any) body fat. He has the build of a man of whom travels frequently, keeps fit and active and frequently works out. Like all Miqo'te, he posses dexterous hands and strong legs. His hands have long, slender fingers, and his tail is sleek with a brown colored tip.Complexion: Soft, pale, almost akin to porcelain in hue; there's subtle touches of rosiness that doesn't detract, but only instead enhancing. Kaleb's skin is healthy, clean and free of blemishes and scars. He elects to take great care of his skin and thus maintaining an elegant masculinity.Face: Handsome and softly chiseled, with a subtle round shape, softly defined jaw and tapering chin. His nose is long and has a subtle aquiline point; his lips are thin yet defined. His eyes are round and larger than most, and have a striking lavender hue. As severe as he may look, there is a cherubic softness to his features, akin to a fairy-tale prince.Hair: A dark blonde in color, with subtle hints of brown fading in and out. His hair is long with thick, soft curls, falling to his neck and well past his chin. Kaleb is a rare man by which is complimented by natural curly hair, framing his features. Kaleb always keeps it clean and very well groomed, heightening a subtle elegance.Fashion: Kaleb is a sharply dressed man. Most often, he is clad in his favored white robes, similar in appearance to Sharlayan robes. But only as a mere coincidence. When not clad in a variety of sharp, tailored white robes, he is often in more comfortable, yet tailored attire. Button-down shirts, slacks, khakis and the like present a clean appearance. He often likes to wear varying hues of reds, golds, bronzes and silvers with touches of green. He is a modest man, even when dressed down. The only key accessories Kaleb wears are his very sleek brass-rimmed glasses... and a woman's gold wedding ring, beset by a brilliant emerald that he wears around his neck...


Disciple of War

Kaleb is a Doctor, not a warrior. While he is strong, fit and athletic, he is by no means trained in the disciplines of war. He may have practiced swordsmanship with a magicked rapier or can wallop foes with his staff, but ultimately, he must seek escape by means of defense.He can throw out a nasty punch, though.

The Spirits of Mana

Kaleb is highly skilled in the use of Magic. While he has proficient skill in the use of Eorzean Conjury for use in his medicinal practice, his true talents lay elsewhere. His magic comes not from a School of Magic found in Eorzea, but one found in his native homeland. This School of Magic is known as Elementalism, or the use of Elemental Spirits as Familiars. These gentle and benevolent, protective spirits are called "Mana Spirits", and will come to the aid of anyone that calls to them.Kaleb can call forth two Familiars: Undine, the Spirit of Water and Dryad, the Spirit of Wood. He has a deep and close friendship with these two spirits and they can often happily assist him in medicinal practice. And if needed, he can call upon their protection and strength in times of combat and duress.

Key Weaknesses

Kaleb, while a strong and athletic man, is a Doctor, not a fighter. And for what basic skill he possesses in simple self-defense, he will be overwhelmed in combat if push comes to shove. If pressed, he will elect to turn and make a retreat if it is clear that he cannot defend himself. If there are others on the field, he will remain to protect them via his healing magic to the best of his ability. But even then, he relies on the protection from others.Kaleb is more magically inclined, and can call on his Familiars for aid. But as powerful as Undine and Dryad are, they cannot always protect him. With the flow of aether different in Eorzea than in his homeland, Undine and Dryad cannot stay out in a combat scenario for very long, and Kaleb must make good his retreat.

RP Hooks

Some RP Hooks maybe rather Lore-Bendy! Please approach with this in mind. Kaleb is a pretty flexible sort of character, of whom can fit into most situations and genres, give or take my own personal comfort levels.

• A Doctor – Kaleb is a highly talented Doctor, with many skills. A unique School of Magic, Traditional Non-Magical Medicine, skill in alchemical and herbal remedies, and even able to perform surgeries in a pinch. But his true skill and calling is in being an OB/GYN and Pediatrician, in tending to the healthcare needs of women and children.

• The Study of Medicine – Having studied medicine since he was barely out of diapers, Kaleb is by all accounts a prodigy in the art of medicine. Yet he seeks further study. Delving into learning the Medicinal practices of Eorzean Conjury, Arcanima, Astrology, Alchemy and Herbalism, Kaleb passionately continues his study when he has a rare free moment. All to be a better doctor.

• The Lucky Clover – The good Doctor has a clinic in Ishgard. The Clinic, dubbed "The Lucky Clover", boasts a safe place of healing for anyone who needs medical care. The Lucky Clover Clinic is under the affiliation of the Fera Intus Free Company, boasting state-of-the-art care, and an OR for surgeries.

• An Immigrant – An immigrant to Eorzea, Kaleb has come from another continent across the sea to start a new life. He has since then more or less settled in Eorzea, attending to the care and needs of his patients, and running a clinic in Ishgard.

• An Artist – Kaleb has a hidden talent when he is not working as a doctor, or continuing his study in medicine... He is a beautifully talented artist. While he often keeps his works private he is nonetheless a breath-taking artist in many mediums: panting, sketching, embroidery and sewing. It seems he may have missed his calling in another life.

• A Widower – A tragedy has shattered this gentle Keeper's heart; the loss of his beloved wife, E'smeralda M'avyare... She was once a brilliant and intelligent woman, a genius in the schools of magic and science, and a partner to him in every sense of the word. To this day, he wears her wedding ring around his neck in memory of his truest, deepest love...

• A Beautiful Cat – Kaleb has a beautiful pet brown tabby cat named Esmeralda (Esme for short), named for his late wife. This striking beauty of a cat is of a breed called a "Maine Coon". Esme is very much gentle, affectionate and loyal cat, as well as being big and fluffy.

• A Dancing Friend – Kaleb M'avyare has one very dear, very close friend in his life, of whom he had known for many years: a playful and energetic wandering dancer named Anli Bolnivard. With the exception of his late wife, Kaleb considers her his best friend, curiously enough. But just how are these two friends? And what is their connection?

• True Love? – Kaleb is single and available to be shipped. However, the loss of his late wife and daughter has left the man highly jaded and guarded. It will be a very long time with a very slow-burn should he ever find an interest in someone new. He would be otherwise oblivious, or otherwise tactfully disinterested. If he had to profess a preference, it would be towards strictly other Miqo'te of either gender, but more towards Miqo'te women.

OOC Information

Personal RP Boundaries

I Will RP...

  • General RP

  • Character-Based RP

  • Campaign RP

  • Slice of Life RP

Ask Me First...

  • Lore-Bending & High Fantasy

  • Mature Themes

  • Injuries/Torture

  • Dark/Criminal Themes

  • Romantic RP

No Thanks...

  • Death/Maiming

  • Rape/Sexual Assault

  • Polyamory

  • Erotic RP

About Me

I am longtime fandom veteran with 20+ years of writing, story-telling and art experience under my belt.I am something of a reserved person, and Trust in my RP Partner is first and foremost in any interaction. Walk-ups, tells or Discord messages are very welcome.IC and OOC are entirely seperate things! My characters are fictional fanfiction characters in a video game, and do not reflect me as a person. I understand that people are people, and that due to the collaborative and sometimes intimate nature of RP, things happen. However, this does not grant permission or allowances for IC and OOC to bleed. If bleed happens, I expect all parties involved to be able to step back and collect themselves. If the problem persists, the RP is over and contact is cut.I am in the EST Timezone. I am active most evenings from 5:30-9:30 PM (EST), and all-day most weekends Saturdays & Sundays. I will go to bed at early times due to preference.I am on the Balmung Server!I am supportive of the LGBTQ+ Community and players, even when I myself am not LGBTQ+. As such, I do not RP with anyone of whom uses transphobic terms such as futa/trap/etc to describe their character.

Contact Me

You can best contact me through the following methods:
In-Game: Kaleb M'avyare @ Balmung – Tells Preferred!
Discord: Available on Request